Saturday, December 13, 2008

Home for the Holiday

A couple of years ago during a personal crisis I was inspired to refocus my life. I decided that instead of coming from fear I would remember to come from love. What that means for me is that I try to pay attention to my interactions with others and when I take action, I try to make sure that my motivation is love, not fear. 

That's why this economic downturn can't hurt my holiday. No, I can't shop like crazy and give tons of stuff, but I don't care. The stuff doesn't really make people happy anyway. I can however share my home, even if it is just for a day. 


My daughter and I regularly visit a few people at a local nursing home. We were wishing that we could bring two of the women to our house for Christmas dinner but didn't think the facility would allow it. I'm happy to report that we have figured it out. 

We contacted the social worker, who is arranging transportation and permission from their doctor and we will be able to spend the day together away from the fluorescent lights and institutional food. They'll be able to meet my two year old "across-the-hall neighbor" who stops in for a visit almost every day. They'll meet my other friends who have to work on Christmas day but will be coming over as soon as they get off.  We'll turn on the Christmas music, light up the tree and remember that the economic downturn cannot steal our spirit. Maybe it's an opportunity to remember that we are here for each other.

By the way, if you do have more than enough you might consider helping Pam Koner with her holiday giving. Pam founded Family-to-Family with 17 families mailing food boxes every month to 17 poor families. Family to Family has grown to 27 chapters that provide aid to 375 families in 13 rural communities across America. 

You can visit Pam's website and help here.  And if you're so inclined, maybe find other ways to kick the butt of the economic downturn. I'd love to hear about it.

1 comment:

Danielle Filas said...

We've sent out e-greetings this year (saves paper and fuel) and in them we asked that people planning to give us gifts either not do it OR if they are just too in the spirit, that they give to one of our favorite charities in our name...
We like Kiva, the Heiffer organization... or any library, school, or arts organization.
Does that count? ;)

(haha- the code I had to type in to post this was "amens")